10 December 2018

Healthy Journey!

It's all in the Journey to health, wealth and wisdom! There are stops along the way, places to go, people to meet and lots to do! C'mon along the journey with me!

First stop: Maintain during the Holidays!

First go to my website: https://heidibaz.goherbalife.com/Catalog/Home/Index/en-US 
Register for free and complete a Wellness Profile. Then set your goal to maintain over the Holiday with a Quick Start Kit. Email me and let me know what you need!

Then follow me on my Journey to Maintain. Here's my starting weight:

Stay blogged for updates!!!

20 September 2015

VOLTage - My New Blog

I have begun again blogging, this time for a UPenn program of study to become certified in online teaching, in which I have only been working for the past 14 years! I guess it is about time I become certified. I am certifiable, after all. That's what my children have been telling me for 14 years.

So visit there, visit here. https://hbazilian.wordpress.com

28 September 2011


This section of posts will be based on my completion of 366 exercises from Bonnie Neubauer's book, The Write-Brain Workbook.

After taking the Intuition class on journaling with Serafice Cordova I started writing almost every day in my cork covered journal. It felt good again. Then when searching the 'net for writing exercises for They CyberCo-op's course The Write stuff, I came across Neubauer's book and couldn't resist ordering it. I thought what a great way to get me back into dedicated writing since, as my former posts have shown, I haven't been that successful getting back. I thought of the movie Julie and Julia where the young girl pledged to herself to cook each of Julia Child's recipes and blog about it. Could I do that with Neubauer's book? So last night, 9-27-11, I completed the first of my first exercise in the book.

I pledge to myself to continue completing one exercise a day for the next 365 days, and to also blog my reflections on the experience!

Stick around and read! Your comments are welcomed.

22 February 2010

What Dreams May Come

Inspired by the consistent dedication of Fred Siegel to journal his dreams. Thanks, Fred.

23 January 2010

A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink

Thoughts and discussion on this book.

11 August 2009

How Do You Know?

A place for all unanswerable questions...